This diary was kept by Andrew Jackson Greene from June 30th through August 16th during the year of 1932. Greene’s health was declining throughout this diary. He worked to get in better shape. He continued to work at the college and record his daily activities such as going to chapel, giving exams, and studying in his room.
Tags: Abner Smith I.G. Greeer, Advent Church, Alexander County, American Legion, Boone, Boone Methodist Church, Caldwell County, Clay Madison, Democrat Convention, Dr. Payne President of George Peabody College, General Sunday School Meeting, Governor Roosevelt, Greene Inn, J.R. Owens, L.L. Morgan, Nashville Tennessee, North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, Reverend J.H. Bradshaw, Reverend Johnnie Greene, Ruth L. Warren, Van G. Hinson, Vilas, Willowdale