Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, Issue 1, Autumn 1983


“Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, Issue 1, Autumn 1983,” Appalachian State University Libraries Digital Collections, accessed January 30, 2025, https://am.library.appstate.edu/items/show/43037.


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Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, Issue 1, Autumn 1983


The first issue of Katúah: Bioregional Journal of the Southern Appalachians, published in the fall of 1983, sets the platform of the publication which expresses and overall tone of respect and stewardship of the land and all life in it. Topics in this issue include Katúah and its meaning, the world as bioregions, the migration of Ulster Scots to North Carolina, and sustainable practices. Authors and artists in this issue include: Chuck Marsh, Thomas Rain Crowe, Sam Gray, Curtis Wood, Tyler Blethen, Snow Bear, Doug Elliott, George Ellison, and Marnie Muller.

Beginning with Issue 19, Spring 1988, the journal title was shortened to Katúah Journal. The journal was published from 1983 to 1993. A quarterly publication, it was focused on the bioregion of former Cherokee land in Appalachia. The early issues of the journal explain the meaning of the Cherokee name, Katúah, and why the editors wanted to view the world through a bioregional lens, rather than political boundaries. A volunteer production, the editors took a holistic view in tackling social, environmental, mental, spiritual, and emotional topics of the day, many of which are still relevant.

Table Of Contents

Bioregions: "The Trail to Home".......1

From Ulster to Carolina : 
(The Scotch-Irish Migration to N. Carolina).......3

Permaculture Practices.......4 

Moshka & Lakima : A Story By Snow Bear.......6 

Old Time Apples.......8 

Poetry : "Wind Rose" by George Ellison.......9 

Map Meditations : The Katuah Bioregion.......10 

Mountain Guides : A Resource Bibliography.......12

Bioregional Congresses.......14

Alternatives to Economics.......17 

Finding Katuah : A Bioregional Questionnaire.......22 

Fall Calendar........21 

Creative Distribution.......22

Note: This table of contents corresponds to the original document, not the Document Viewer.


Bioregionalism--Appalachian Region, Southern
Sustainable living--Appalachian Region, Southern
Apples--Varieties--North Carolina, Western
Traditional Farming--United States--Appalachian Region, Southern
Alternative agriculture--Appalachian Region, Southern
Permaculture--Appalachian Region, Southern
Appalachians (People)--History
North Carolina, Western
Blue Ridge Mountains
Appalachian Region, Southern
North Carolina--Periodicals


Sylva Herald Publishing Company, Sylva, North Carolina




Journals (Periodicals)






Appalachian Region, Southern

Temporal Coverage
