This diary was recorded by Andrew Jackson Greene from May 6 through June 21, 1942. Greene’s writings are mostly reflective, for example he reflected on what he did each day and on the political and social institutions of his society. He also reflected on certain individuals whom who came into contact with, their likes dislikes, and customs. Some locals named in this diary include but are not limited to Lowell Cable, Margaret Yarborough, Mollie Glenn, and Albert Hicks.
Tags: Albert Hicks, Baptist Hospital, Bogle Cole, Boone, Colonel Ronda Earp, Colonel W.C. Walker, Coy Bingham, Cozy Nook, Dallas Hodges, E.F. Sherwood, Harrison Church, Henry Mast, Henson Chapel, James Miller, John Isaacs, Judge John H. Bingham, Lowell Cable, Mabel, Margaret Yarborough, Mollie Glenn, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Vilas, Wiley Cole, William Henson